Entering the USA Green Card Lottery has no effect on any other immigration visas
or permits that you are also applying for. The USA Green Card lottery is an additional
complementary method of coming to the USA. You can apply for the USA Green Card Lottery
while you are also applying for other visas including the H1B, J, K, etc
Live and work in America: US Permanent Residence Status
Winning the USA Green Card Lottery and subsequently gaining permanent
residence status means you can choose to live, work, and play in the USA.
Choose from any of the 50 States and enjoy the benefits of knowing you can
be here as long as you like. You don't have to give up your current citizenship.
Study in the USA: Lower Tuition Costs
If you choose to study in the US, a Green Card will cause tuition costs to
decrease by as much as 75% (taking into account "In-State" education funding
and eligibility for state based scholarships and grants).
Work in America: Better Employment Opportunities
You will be considered equal amongst employees hiring locals and be able
to compete for jobs as a US citizen. In some circumstances obtaining trade
licenses (brokerage and real estate) will be easier.
Live and work in America: US Citizenship
As a Green Card holder, you will have all the rights granted to citizens
(with the exception of voting) and will be eligible within 5 years to become
a US citizen.
Green Card winners may travel freely to and from the United States and are
considered US permanent residents. You will be legally entitled to work here
in the US. You will also be eligible for health, education, taxation, retirement,
social security and other benefits and may also serve as a sponsor for your relatives
seeking their own Green Cards. Green Cards are valid for a lifetime.
By submitting an application to enter the USA Green Card Lottery, you give yourself
an infinitely better shot at becoming a US permanent resident. If you don't enter you have no shot!
With the recent submission guidelines and requirements to enter the lottery
changing, people from qualifying countries had better odds than past years at being a
lottery winner. Millions of applications were rejected for failing to follow the
requirements correctly. In most cases these errors were minor.
usadvservices.com guarantees
to review, review and review again your application and ensure that it is both been
prepared correctly (in every way) and submit it timely (within the small window of time
stipulated within the regulations). We also offer additional representation assistance
and advocacy if you are selected and need help taking delivery of the Green Card.